Wednesday, September 2, 2009

How to fart and run at the same time... or not

First of all, thank you soooo much for your encouraging words about my knee. I can't tell you how much it lifts my spirits to read all your comments! It helps me remember not to be too hard on myself; which is something I am trying not to do. So thank you so much for your support and for putting a smile on my face! :)

I was able to run a successful, pain free, albeit super slow, 6.3 miles yesterday. I finished in barely under an hour. In my mind I was flying through the air like a gazelle on crack, but in reality, it felt like I was trekking through a massive pool of honey. It's amazing to me how one week I can bust out sub-9 minute miles, and then the next, I can barely run 10 min miles. The body is such a fascinating thing.

Well.... I guess not everything the body is capable of doing is a pleasant thing. Case in point, I was plagued by a case of Gassius Fartitis on yesterday's run. And yes, that is totally a medical term, look it up! (haha, ok, ok, I kid) But hey, I'm not embarrassed to admit that I had HORRID gas. I don't know where it came from, but it was seriously uncomfortable! My tummy felt as blown up as a balloon at Disney Land, and I literally had to stop numerous times to um.... how do I put this elegantly.... "let 'er rip"...... I am not talented enough (yet) to multitask. I mean, I can talk and run simultaneously... but I am going to need more practice with this issue. The stopping thing kinda makes it obvious... like that scene from I Love You, Man Thank the heavens that I was NOT running on a treadmill in the gym! Since I was outside with no one around me, I could toot my horn to my heart's contempt. (Althought I did always look behind me to see if anyone was there to make sure to avoid an embarassing situation!) hmmmm... now that I think about it, I'm suprised I didn't think twice about eating beans for dinner after that ordeal! haha.

Yeah, I know. This is total TMI territory. Have you ever had to deal with uncomfortable/embarassing body issues while running? At least I didn't crap my pants......that would have been special.


  1. HAHA! I'm totally guilty of doing this. Sometimes it just needs to be done! No shame! haha. I always get paranoid on the treadmill when I have headphones never know haha. Hey, it could have been worse - at least you didn't poop yourself. When I ran the Cherry Blossom 10-miler earlier this year, we had like a quarter mile left and I smelled something nasty, but figured someone just ripped one. NO. Lady in front of me had POO streaming down her leg!!! AAGGH! Totally bolted into the crowd to avoid poopy pants. Gas is WAAAY better than that ;p

  2. That was freakin funny!! I was just LMAO!!! I can't believe that you can't fart and run at the same time, sooooo funny! I'm glad I can and I always run outside, so no problems here!! Although, you kid about "crapping your pants" but that is probably my biggest fear ever! The urge to "go" came over me sooooo fast the other morning that I did the clinch the cheeks walk home (only 1.5 miles into my run, mind you) and barely made it (thank goodness it was still dark outside and no one could see how funny I was walking and the facial expressions to go along with it ) about TMI territory!
    I keep praying that I will never have to know the reality of that situation!!!
    Oh the things we deal with for the love of the run!!!!

  3. Farting on the run is an art I have mastered. It keeps things interesting on those days when I run with the group. :S

  4. Karena: OMGGGGG!!! streaming down her leg...? soooo gross and funny at the same time! I would have HATED to be that woman! lol

    Busy running mama: I've totally done "the clinch" walk too! Also a "clinch bike ride"... but that's for another day! haha

  5. Just talk to B.o.B about PC's... LOL! Totally cracking up over here at you!!!!

  6. OMG! Thank you for that. I needed a good laugh, I mean, I was laughing with you, not at you... :) Thank you for bringing a smile to my day. -cw

  7. Uncomfortable GI issues suck during any type of workout. I constantly hear people passing wind during yoga, it's so hard for my immature self not to peek out and start laughing though!

    Good job getting in your 6 miles!

  8. Hah! I think most runners are guilty of doing this at some point. I had Mexican before my long run this weekend and don't think that I didn't stank up the air behind me as I was running!

  9. HAHAH, girl, I "let it rip" ALL the time on runs. All the time.

  10. I'm agreeing with Nike and saying "Just Do it!"

  11. I'm CRACKING UP! hahahahahahaha i love it!

  12. Haha, that is great. Dairy does this to me, so I have to be sure and not eat any dairy products when I'm going out for a run.

  13. Ha! Been there, done that. I usually "tinker with my watch" or "get something out of my eye" when I need to stop and let one fly.

  14. Hahaha! I'm totally guilty of this. I read that veggie eaters fart more so I'm blaming those veg and beans.

  15. I think every runner has had one of those days, where you feel like you're stink bombing anyone else on the awkward, but what are yous supposed to do...
    I just read the comment above about someone pooping their pants...why in the name would you not stop running if you had that running down your leg? AHHHHH!

  16. "that would've been special" haha! or....REALLY uncomfortable! I've been lucky on the "body issues" front with running. Although I have yet to delve into the world of 13+ mile runes, sooo hopefully I haven't spoken too soon. There have been a few I-need-to-pee-NOW situations. luckily a bathroom was never too far.....

    ah, the things we put up with for running. geeze

  17. LOL you are so funny.. I think I feel like that alot, but I can multitask in this area!!! LOL..



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